Month: April 2020
We know the mortality rate from COVID 19 is much higher than what ‘s reported, but what is the actual number?
The death toll from coronavirus may be almost 60 percent higher than reported in official counts, according to an FT analysis of overall fatalities during the pandemic in 14 countries. Here is an interesting article which talks about how to look at death rates and figure out which is from COVID 19.

Ever Wonder How Healthy Your Community Is?
CDC has complied and created graphs on health data for all US cities. It is a very interesting data and it clearly highlights the areas where we are deficient in and we need to work harder.
The website for data can be found here:
Here is the data on NYC.

Number of deaths from COVID 19 is underestimated!
Numbers of mortality in countries are higher than previous years indicating all things equal more people have died of Corona virus then the confirmed numbers show. Read more about this in this article.

Maimonides Medical Center was one of the epicenters for fight against COVID-19. Here is a view of the Frontline.
Part 1
Part 2
COVID-19 Immunity Compared to 6 other Viral Diseases
Jobs with highest exposure to COVID 19

Zoomed Shivas in Jewish Neighborhoods Hit By COVID 19
Doctors spend what should have been their wedding day, working in the emergency department due to COVID 19

Is New York City past the peak of COVID 19 disease? Data suggest so!
Per data provided by NYC website there appears to be some improvement in the number of hospitalizations and mortality from COVID 19 (SARS-COV-2). Take a look for yourself: