When I think of legendary modern time physicians one name comes to mind, Dr. Stephan L Kamholz. Sadly that man is no longer with us today.
He was known for his kindness and superb knowledge. He was a walking Wikipedia! For any obscure thing, he could quote all studies on that disease, where they were first published, page numbers, paragraphs, and then he would tell you about how he knew the authors of all those studies and something about them. He knew everyone everywhere and everyone knew him. In all my interviews and travels everyone had always asked about him and how he was doing. He was kind and went out of his way to make sure he helps everyone.
At the time of his passing, he was the Chair of Medicine at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY. This is where he stood up and showed his greatest final act of leadership against COVID 19 and later from COVID 19 passed away. I remember in early March while we were becoming the epicenter of COVID 19 pandemic in the United States he gathered everyone, planned for combat, organized, and mobilized everyone. We needed ventilators, he got them. We needed oxygen tanks he got them. We needed staff he made it happen. On top of it all, since residents could no longer have any lectures or grand rounds, he would go team to team and teach the residents in private groups. His priority of everyone else.
Of course, prior to coming to Maimonides, he was also:
– Chief of Pulmonary Critical Care at SUNY Downstate.
– Chair of Medicine at Long Island Jewish Medical Center.
– Chair of North Bronx Health Care Network (Jacobi and North Central Bronx Hospital)
– Vice-Chair of medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine
– Founding Academic Chair of Department of Medicine at Hofstra University School of Medicine.
– Professor of Medicine at North Shore University
– Professor at NYU Schoo of Medicine.
Just putting searching his name on Pubmed as of today yields 108 publications.
He was an inspiration to everyone who knew him. May his hard work, dedication, patient care, philanthropy, and philosophy carry on through all those he touched.