Volunteer Experience
ABC of Colon Cancer, TV show
Haiti – Post Earthquake relief program / Rural Clinic
Post 2010 started a medical clinic from the grounds in rural parts of Haiti, outside port au prince, where we provided basic medical care in a tent. We brought medication and medical supplies from US and were able to help about 700 patients.
(April 2010 – May 2010)

Paul Hom Asian Clinic and other student-run clinics in Sacramento, CA
provided medical care and service referrals to patients at underserved and impoverished neighborhoods of Sacramento.
(June 2009 – 2013)
Student Representative, UC Davis Interviewing Committee
Involved in interviewing and coaching the incoming student’s applicants.
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Clinical Research with Dr. Lawrence S. Czer MD
(June 2012)

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Clinical research with Dr. Sharo S. Raissi, MD, Assistance in Bicuspid Aortic Foundation
(July 2004–January 2009)
Research with Dr. Nicholas Nissen, MD, and Study of Post-transplant Aortic Aneurysm
(July 2007)
Los Angeles Pierce College, Woodland Hills, CA
Human Prosection (cadaver Dissection) at LAPC
(Feb. 2005)
California Scholarship Federation (CSF)/ ISF, Woodland Hills, CA
Public Volunteer work and fundraising
Leadership Experience
– Co-President of Class of 2013
(UC Davis School of Medicine)
Student representative, and co-president from 2009 to 2013. Involved in Social, political, and well beings of students in medical school.

– UC Davis School of Medicine Student Representative at Lobby Day, Sacramento
Student representative for promotion of healthcare law, Healthcare and the California Universal Healthcare Act

– Co-founder and president of Acute Aortic Syndrome Research Program
Student Organization, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

– Co-founder and president Acute Aortic Syndrome Research Program
(Cedars Sinai Medical Center / CSMC)
Founder and Co-Director of the AAA research program, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

That’s me on the left in 2006